Important Guidelines
Clicking To Submit will take you directly to Submittable, the ubiquitous online submission engine that brings writers and publishers together. Here you will find our current submission guidelines plus a rough schedule for publication. Open categories with respective reading fees appear below the guidelines. Unless otherwise specified for a particular project, we read manuscripts all year. The Selected Poems Series category is always open for submission; please allow six months for our decision.

Clicking The Guide opens our Guide for Authors, required reading for those authors whose book manuscripts we accept. The guide presents the way we do things; except where stated otherwise, we do not make exceptions because to do so introduces too much instability into our process. Therefore, before submitting a manuscript, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with those sections dealing with issues of most importance to you to ensure there are no deal-breakers. We don’t want to see you waste your nonrefundable submission fee—nor do we care to waste our time—on a manuscript that is precluded from publication at the outset for reasons other than quality.